For over 100 years, chiropractic has generated good results for health problems. Today, millions of patients have benefited from this non-invasive treatment. This success has attracted increasing attention from researchers in the field of health analysis.

Because of this interest in chiropractic, public health specialists are forced for demographic and economic reasons to streamline health policy based on the effectiveness of treatments relative to their costs. Those studies were mostly conducted by government agencies or independent research centers funded by governments. Bringing together multidisciplinary panels of health branches and economists to evaluate the economic impact of the results.

Regarding the spine, chiropractic had to prove its efficiency and reliability across clinical studies and has been subjected to more research than any other health branch in the area of the spine, and therefore has a wider range of scientific evidence that other treatments. Because of the importance of neuro- musculoskeletal disorders in our society , the investigation shows an exponential growth year after year, consolidating the leading role of chiropractic care in this area. In 1993, the British Medical Association (BMA ) defines chiropractic as “the best example of a new profession with very good clinical research quality to establish its reliability and efficiency.” * (Complementary Medicine: New Approaches to good practice. Oxford,England: British Medical Association, OxfordUniversity Press. 1993; 138.)”

Regarding the lack of information about it in Colombia, we have summarized below some of these studies that describe the reliability and cost compared to other conventional treatments. We have selected independent chiropractic studies, those who were developed by governments, independent research organizations and scientist, published in medical journals.

Many of those studies have been commissioned by governments and used to regulate the health professions in various countries. Those countries have introduced chiropractic in their health systems after observing its benefits.

01 Brain surgery and chiropractic

02 An Unhealthy Spine Affects Internal Organs

03 Costos quiropractica vs medicina tradicional

04 Efecticidad de la manipulacion vertebral

05 Hernia discal y quiropractica.

06 Indoneidad de la manipulacion cervical

07 La educacion quiropractica

08 Latigazo y quiropractica

09 Lumbalgia y manipulación vertebral

10 Manipulación vertebral y lumbalgia

11 Mujer embarazada y quiropráctica

12 Pediatric neurofibromatosis

13 PH and cancer

14 Quiropractica, riesgos, costos

15 Resultados quiropractica lumbalgia

16 Resultados quiropractica y lumbalgia

17 Spine and the autonomic nervous system

18 The windsor autopsies 1921

19 Ahorrar con tratamiento quiropractico por dolor de cuello

20 Changes in Biochemical Markers of Pain Perception and Stress Response After Spinal Manipulation

21 Coste-eficacia, educación quiropráctica universitaria, seguridad y satisfacción de los pacientes

22 Dolor de cabeza cervicogenica y tensional con quiropractica

23 Health Maintenance Care in Work-Related Low Back Pain

24 Quiropractica, validez cientifica, seguridad, costo-eficiencia y satisfaccion del paciente

25 Relationship between sesam seeds and knee osteoarthritis

26 Resultados quiropractica vs medicina vs acuponctura

27 Resultados terapia manual vs fisioterapia vs medicina vs placebo.

28 Resultados y satisfaccion del paciente con la quiropractica